Cornish Coastal Cruise

Cornish Coastal Cruise

This is a great ride for sunny mornings when you really don't want to do much more than hit up a few hills and take in some breathtaking scenery. Before you set off you're going to need a decent flat white in you and don't forget to take two quid for the ferry home. 

At this point you're probably thinking "a ride with a boat trip?" but in fact you're wrong, this ride actually features TWO boat trips - the first of which we need to get going or we'll quite literally miss the boat. 

From Rockets in Plymouth take a pedal out through the historic Barbican and up towards the Hoe, cruise around the Hoe, into Millbay and onwards past Mount Wise to descend to the river and catch the Torpoint Ferry. This is a car ferry but they like cyclists and there's no charge to cross the river. 

Once you've finished admiring the warships roll off the ferry and head towards Torpoint, if you take the first left you can nip around the back of Torpoint and past HMS Raleigh, this is a far more interesting route with less traffic. You'll eventually pop out on the main road just before Antony and from here you need to stick on the main road along the river valley through the village of Sheviock until you reach Polbathic, turn left and ascend the mother of all climbs. 

Once you pop out at the top you can take a quick breather before pushing on for home. The worst of the climbing is done by this point so don't be too hard on yourself on the way home if you want to check out the amazing views to your right as you roll along the top of breathtaking cliffs and past some amazing beaches. After the village of Crafthole continue until you see the signs for Whitsands (at Tregantle), turn right down onto the cliff road and follow yet more stunning roads. Eventually you'll roll into Kingsand / Cawsand and you'll get the first view of home. It's the other side of the water but you're not far to go. 

The climb out of Cawsand is a beast, we're sorry about that but as you hit the top and see the school house you can turn right and as the road levels out think about the long fast descent to Cremyl, catch the ferry back to Stonehouse and finish your ride with a coffee or even a swim down at Royal William Yard.

Here's the Strava route, ride time should be around 2 hours.

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